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We all can feel insecure about our ideas, and it’s easy to listen to the little voice in your head that says, “My ideas suck,” or “I don’t even know where to begin.”
But great ideas are not born out of thin air. Moleskine notebooks give the opportunity to take the first step.



Moleskine Interactive Exhibit

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Moleskine collaborates with the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum with an interactive exhibit, showing great works from artists and thinkers who began their ideas in Moleskine-style notebooks.

Bring the Page to Life Contest

Participants submit an idea, whether it’s a novel, screenplay, piece of art, product innovation, or anything in between. Moleskine will choose a winner and help them produce it.


STUNT: The Moleskine Creativity Nook

You can spark an idea anywhere with a Moleskine notebook. Moleskine Creativity Nooks create a perfect place to sit and get started. Located in high traffic areas like Grand Central Station, as well as common creative spaces like Starbucks and Barnes and Noble.

Packaging/Product Extension

New packaging encourages you to get the worst part out of the way by writing your first idea down on the paper cover.

Moleskine Coffee blends give you an extra boost to start creating.
Writer’s Block Blend, with an aroma of cinnamon and procrastination.
On a Roll Americano, offering a bold shot of invigoration to keep the juices flowing.
First Draft Roast, full-bodied with room for improvement.


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Copywriter + converted moleskine user: Mitchell MOss